10 Juni IBC Annual Project “Flow”
Every year, the International Bilingual Classes annual project, a fundamental part of our bilingual stream, creatively crosses the curriculum integrating different classes and year groups, teachers, native speakers and students alike in the quest for the most exciting and diverse performances and class activities possible.
The evening began with a short welcome and introduction by our intrepid IBC co-ordinators Mrs. Wurm-Smole and Mrs. Foster, who both set the tone for the exciting evening to follow. Our headmaster, Mr. Senger continued with his own welcome address and then it was on with the show!
Events were kicked off with a video of the whole bilingual stream “in flow”, followed by the 3a and 3b music classes with their fantastic and lively performance of “The River Flows in You”. Then it was onto the 1st formers to explain about their project: Breaking Fast. A combination of first, second and third forms then expanded on their huge Mr. Men project, which culminated in a sketch featuring the new Mr. Men characters. The third form stayed on stage to present their stop-motion cooking video before the second, third and fourth form art projects were introduced. Next, everyone marvelled at an amazing, prize-winning short film about The Development of Democracy starring the 5b and the “ghost of history past” before the stage performance part of the evening ended with a breath-taking gymnastics demonstration from the 7a. After the stage performances, the buffet “in 80 flavours around the world” in aid of the local women’s shelter in Villach was opened and guests were invited to take a walk around the school to look at all class activities and exhibits.
And what a plethora of class activities and exhibits there were. Starting off with the students from the 4a Chemistry class who were presenting oobleck – a non-Newtonian fluid. It was definitely a lot of fun to touch this strange mixture made of corn starch and water that felt like a solid when you held it tightly, but became more fluid when you relaxed your hands.
The art department had also been very busy: 2a and 2b drew animals focussing on movement and optical illusions. 3a and 3b produced artwork based on the natural balance of the world – in the flow and out of the flow, and the 4a and 4b created 3-dimensional insects. The art exhibitions were viewed by a whole host of admirers.
6a and invited everyone to their drop-in yoga class featuring the eight limbs of yoga, which proved to be very popular. There may even be some yoga converts among us!
The 5a presented Resource Management in History in the form of museum exhibits. Visitors were informed how specific cultures used their resources and featured creative examples i.e. a Viking Knarr, a ship used for transporting cargo. All in all, a really fascinating exhibit.
Down on the ground floor a duck took centre stage. This huge creation, made out of newspapers, pointed the way to the exhibition “Know the Information Flow”. The second and fourth forms (Digital Education, Technology & Design) worked together on this informative project. Fake news was discussed and newspapers created with fake and real news. Students also visited a real newspaper office before creating their own newspapers, which were available for purchase on the evening. Definitely a cool project!!
8a were even involved with an installation project including video diaries and podcasts. The 4b presented the Flow of Electrons and how circuit diagrams work. May the Flow be with you was a combined Biology and Music project by the 1a providing informative facts about rivers, with posters and there was even a song!
All in all, a fantastic evening was had by all! We hope you enjoyed the Flow!